Reports and selected publications

(2020) Adolescent Mental Health Care and the Law (Legal Action Group)

(2020) Decision-making: the legal framework in Disabled Children: A Legal Handbook S. Broach and L. Clements, (3rd edn, Legal Action Group).

(2018) Treatment without consent. In: M. Shaw and S. Bailey eds. Justice for Children: A developmental perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. pp138-144.

(2018).We will have blood on our hands’: the judiciary shines a light on the inadequacy of adolescent mental health care. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 40:1, 98-100.

(2016). Trust A v X and others: The Ghost of Nielsen returns? Medical Law Review, 24(2), 268-277.

(2016) (Co-authored with Ines Bulic Cojocariu) European Structural and Investment Funds and People with Disabilities in the European Union. Brussels: Policy Department C:  Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament.

(2014) The Legal Framework. In: T. McDougal and A. Cotgrove, eds. Specialist Mental Healthcare for Children and Adolescents. Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge. pp. 193-208. 

(2012), (Co-authored with Luke Clements) The European Union and the Right to Community Living, The Equal Rights Review. Vol 9 (2012), 95.  

(2011). Forgotten Europeans – Forgotten Rights: The Human Rights of Persons Placed in Institutions. Brussels: United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Europe Regional Office.

(2011) (Co-authored with Luke Clements, Anthony Harbour and Jo Honigmann) Transitions in Mental Health Care – a guide for health and social care professionals on the legal framework for the care, treatment and support of young people with emotional and psychological problems during their transition years, (funded by The National Mental Health Development Unit and the National CAMHS Support Service) London: YoungMinds.

(2010). (Co-authored with Ines Bulic) Wasted time, wasted money, wasted lives – A wasted opportunity? A Focus Report on how the current use of Structural Funds perpetrates the social exclusion of disabled people in Central and Eastern Europe by failing to support the transition from institutional care to community-based services. London: European Coalition for Community Living.

(2008) (Co-authored with Luke Clements). The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: a New Right to Independent Living? European Human Rights Law Review, [2008] E.H.R.L.R, 508-523.  

(2007) Developing mental health policy: a human rights perspective. In: M. Knapp, D McDaid, E. Mossialos and G. Thornicroft eds. Mental Health Policy and Practice Across Europe. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp. 308 – 335.

(2005). The Emperor’s New Clothes? The impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on Mental Health Care. In C. Harvey ed. Human Rights in the Community. Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing. pp. 155-173.

(2002) (Co-authored with Rachel Jenkins, Andrew McCulloch and Lynne Friedli) Developing National Mental Health Policy. Hove, Sussex: Psychology Press Limited. Ebook, (2005) London: Psychology Press. Available from: